Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Oh yeah, my first award!

I had to post about this real quick. My friend Maria over at The Junkk Drawer nomiated me for this nice matters award! Thanks so much, Maria! I think I need to nominate some people now but I'll have to do that once I get moved. I'm just popping in here for a quick second (it's 5:10 am...what the heck am I doing up?!)


Dena Rooney-Berg (SugarShop) said...

Yeah! Well, it's Thursday evening so you must be getting settled in your new home. Home the transition goes well and congrats!

Stitchinwitch said...

Hope the move went well. You certainly deserve your award. By the way if you ever have the urge to make another bag my favourite colour is purple :P
I'll add your blog to my swap bot buds list

monique said...

Hi, I'm here through swap bot's gaine exposure to your blog.
You have such a lovely blog. I have been looking around here a little bit and I must say it's wonderful!
I'll be coming by for more visits.
Have a lovely sunday.

Erika Cass Designs said...

Congratulations! How fun is that. :O)